ADV supports the healthcare ecosystem with a wide range of services backed by proficiency, agility, and competency to advance healthcare and programs for all citizens.

Advancement within an Evolving Healthcare Landscape
Traditional healthcare delivery and solutions are rapidly evolving due to a rapid rate of technology innovation. These technologies support a wide variety of functions ranging from informing and engaging patients, to transforming diagnoses and treatment through clinical decision support.
Healthcare organizations face a massive opportunity as well as a steep learning curve to stay up to date with the evolving landscape. ADV can help you take advantage of the digital health revolution to improve care, reduce costs, and minimize provider burden.
ADV Healthcare Services
We advance healthcare with subject matter experts and targeted services.
- Big data analytics/precision medicine
- Business process automation and improvement
- Clinical decision support
- Development
- Digital health
- Enterprise architecture
- Health IT interoperability
- Information security and privacy (HIPPA)
- Policy and governance
- Program management and planning
- Strategic advisory services
- Training

Healthcare Clients
ADV uses best practices to produce great efficiencies and help healthcare organizations thrive.